Monday 2 May 2016

Manchester United Legend Ryan Giggs Wife Quits Marriage Over Infidelity

Ryan Riggs and wife

Manchester United's legendary No 11 and assistant manager, Ryan Giggs is a great player on and off the pitch. The master dribbler was reputed to love a skirt chase as he does a title chase and has left a trail of flings (including his brother's wife, Natasha) that only James Bond himelf can rival.
What's news however, is that fact that Giggs' wife, Stacey, may finally have had enough of her husband's serial skirt-chasing and is quitting their marriage. She was said to hit the roof when she found out of Giggsy's flings with his restaurant's waitresses. 

There's a limit to human endurance and it appears Stacey has finally reached her busstop with these latest peccadillos of her love rat hubby.

Men, sha, what's Giggs looking for in his staff's goody bag that Stacey does not have?

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