Saturday 23 April 2016

Beware Of 'Birdstrikes' As Boko Haram Resorts To Using Birds As Bomb Couriers

The war against insurgency in the North-East of Nigeria is set to assume a different and rather frightening turn.
It was revealed this week that members of the ruthless Boko Haram group intend to resort to the use of birds as their bomb couriers. Yes, you read it right, birds. 

According to Lamidi Adeosun, General Officer Commanding (GOC), 7 division of the Nigerian Army, Maiduguri, the insurgents now strap bombs to birds.

The army is said to be in possession of an image showing  a bird with an explosive strapped on its back. Not only are these insurgents bloodthirsty, they've decided to be desperately ingenius by adopting birds as bomb couriers. 

Biko how do people prepare for birdstrikes in this war against insurgency?

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