Sunday 24 April 2016

Photos: Check Out The Royal Kebab That Costs N400,000 Per Portion!

The 'royal' being grilled

A restaurant located at Canary Wharf, London reckons it has created the king of all kebabs, which they call 'the royal'.

The chef

It is a mouthwatering dish of kebab made with the finest ingredients from around the world and comes at a steep price of £925! That's a whooping N400,000!

Cross section of ingredients

Made with Japanese Waggu beef and comes with salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar, is it really worth the price tag?

Side salad

Dish in preparation

Finished Dish

As I watched the video, I could only imagine how much 'enjoyment' I can get with N400,000. But I guess if you can afford it, why not if not?! But... na wa!

Credit: ITV London

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