Thursday 28 April 2016

Fulani Herdsmen Involved In Nimbo Massacre Won't Escape Justice - I.G Of Police

According to the words of the number one police officer in the country, the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase, the perpetrators of the bloody massacre on Nimbo community won't escape the long arm of the law.

Mr. Arase gave the assurance on Wednesday April 27th in Nimbo, Enugu state when he visited the community to take a spot assessment of the situation and chart a course of action for the capturing of the perpetrators, the marauding Fulani herdsmen.

The top-cop is also working with the local authorities to find a long-term solution to prevent a reoccurrence of attacks like this on peaceful communities in the nation. What measures do you think the IG could put in place to achieve his objective of netting these Fulani herdsmen?

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