Saturday 30 April 2016

EFCC: Ex Aviation Minister Oduah Pilfered And Shared N3.6B Between Her Eight Companies

Stella Oduah

If there's one person controversy wouldn't leave alone despite her giving it a wide berth, it's former Aviation Minister and now Senator, Princess Stella Oduah.

The 54 year-old Anambra senator must have put her forgettable aviation ministry days behind her but fresh allegations from the EFCC must be disturbing her peace right now.

The EFCC may be knocking on Princess Oduah's door soon to demand the whereabouts N3.6bn which they alleged she took from the airport upgrade contracts and shared between her eight companies for 'safekeeping'.

Remember all these are allegations as of now but we'll be letting you in on the details as soon as they arrive.   

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