Wednesday 27 April 2016

The NLC And TUC Demand N56,000 As Minimum Wage From President Buhari

The leadership of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) are jointly asking President Buhari to make the nation’s minimum wage earners happy by increasing the minimum wage from the present N18,000 to N56,000.
According to the labour leaders, the 200% proposed increment wasn’t requested out of a whim but in line with the present exchange rate, rising inflation and economic adjustments to meet the rising needs facing the country’s minimum wage earners right now.

The last time the country’s minimum wage was raised by the Federal Government in 2011, the exchange rate was 110 Naira to One U.S Dollar, which is approximately one-third of today’s exchange rate of 320.

The leaders are also capitalizing on labour laws that demand a review of minimum wages every 5 years, making 2016 the right time to bring such matters before the FG.

The leaders (and minimum wage earners) are eagerly awaiting the President’s response to this crucial request.

TheClone; Do you think the labour leaders’ request is proper or way out of line?- Odikwa necessary biko (please it is very necessary) 

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