Friday 8 April 2016

Fashion: Gucci Ad Banned For Showing 'Unhealthily Thin' Model

Banned Gucci ad

The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has banned a Gucci Ad (pictured above) for irresponsible advertising. The Ad features model Avery Blanchard in a print dress. Read their statement below.

"We noted that the model leaning against the wall was wearing a long dress so that only her legs, ankles, neck and head were visible. We considered that her torso and arms were quite slender and appeared to be out of proportion with her head and lower body. Further, her pose elongated her torso and accentuated her waist so that it appeared to be very small. We also considered that her sombre facial expression and dark make up, particularly around her eyes, made her face look gaunt. For those reasons, we considered that the model leaning against the wall appeared to be unhealthily thin in the image, and therefore concluded that the Ad was irresponsible."

The Gucci ad cannot be shown in the UK.

Image source- Gucci

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